General Education Foundation Course

It is a 3-credit point course that will run in Semester 2 and to be taken by all first year students at EdUHK. This course will introduce students to a selection of major themes and topics in General Education. The purpose of the course is to equip and motivate students to think carefully about a broad range of issues, construct and attain knowledge, and apply what they have learned to their own lives. This course will also highlight the complexities of ideologies and the persistence of various ideological tensions in the world. Different perspectives on the various topics of General Education will be emphasized. Through explanations and demostrations provided, students will be inspired to participate as active thinkers in the disciplines and traditions of thought that constitute knowledge and understanding. As a unique feature of the course, eJournals will be submitted by students after lectures and this exercise will encourage them to reflect and think critically on various topics.

Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)

By the end of the General Education Foundation Course, students will be able to:

CILO 1   Demonstrate appropriate levels of understanding and knowledge in a range of disciplines and subject areas;
CILO 2   Demonstrate an understanding of what knowledge is, and how knowledge is learned and communicated, across different disciplines and subject areas;
CILO 3   Demonstrate a commitment to thinking, speaking and writing critically about a range of views and ideas;
CILO 4   Make meaningful connections between the course content and their own beliefs, values and goals.

The Structure 
Classes of the General Education Foundation Course will be composed of weekly lectures and tutorials.

Course Outline

Please click  here for details.

Lectures (2 hours per week): 
The lectures will be given by eminent scholars and practitioners who will introduce students to a range of disciplines and topics across different knowledge domains. In addition to face-to-face lectures, video lectures will be arranged as appropriate. For the video lecture weeks, students will not be required to attend the face-to-face tutorials. Instead, students are strongly encouraged to watch video(s), read supplementary resources, and take part in discussion forum which is based on the suggested inquiry questions.

Tutorials* (2 hours per week) : 
The tutorials will be small-class environments in which students sharpen their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, and learn to think critically about the issues presented in the lectures. These activities will enable students to develop a deeper understanding of the course content, and to construct and reflect on their own interpretations of that content. Students interact with tutors on a regular basis and they will be trained to improve their communication skills and nurture tolerant, critical but constructive attitudes towards various academic arguments and debates.



*The General Education Foundation Course tutorials will be held on Tai Po Campus and at Tseung Kwan O Study Centre, students have to take the tutorials on either campus as assigned.