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Undergraduate GE Curriculum (Cohort 2018/19 or before)
GE Foundation Course
GE Breadth Courses Strand 1
GE Breadth Courses Strand 2
GE Breadth Courses Strand 3
GE Breadth Courses Strand 4
Co-curricular and Service Learning Courses
University ePortfolio (GECC)
Block Credit Transfer
Undergraduate GE Curriculum (Cohort 2019/20 or after)
GE Foundation Course
GE Breadth Courses (Summer Semester 2025)
GE Breadth Learning Strand 1
GE Breadth Learning Strand 2
GE Breadth Learning Strand 3
GE Breadth Learning Strands - New Six Arts (from 2024/25 and onwards)
Positive and Values Education (PAVE) Courses
GE Interdisciplinary Courses
Experiential Learning Courses
Co-curricular and Service Learning Courses
University ePortfolio
University ePortfolio - Senior Year Entrants
Cross-faculty Core Course (Component I : Basic Law and National Security Education)
Block Credit Transfer
News & Events
Support Scheme for Excellent University ePortfolio Supervision
Info for Staff
Info for Students
General Education Foundation Course (GEFC)
General Education Breadth Courses (GEBC)
General Education Interdisciplinary Course (GEIC)
University ePortfolio
Cross-faculty Core Course (Component I : Basic Law and National Security Education) (CFCC I: BL&NSE)
Experiential Learning Courses (ELC)
Co-curricular and Service Learning Courses (CSLC)
> Timetable
Co-curricular and Service Learning Courses (CSLC)
2024/25 Timetables
CSLC Timetable (Summer Semester, 2024) (For cohort 2019/20 or after)
CSLC Timetable (Semester 1, 2024/25) (For cohort 2019/20 or after)
(For Year 5 BEd students) EL-on-BP Timetable (Semester 1, 2024/25)
CSLC Timetable (Semester 2, 2024/25) (For cohort 2019/20 or after)
(For Year 3 BEd students) EL-on-BP Timetable (Semester 2, 2024/25)
2023/24 Timetables
CSLC Timetable (Summer Semester, 2023) (For cohort 2019/20 or after)
CSLC Timetable (Semester 1, 2023/24) (For cohort 2019/20 or after)
(For Year 5 BEd students) EL-on-BP Timetable (Semester 1, 2023/24)
CSLC Timetable (Semester 2, 2023/24) (For cohort 2019/20 or after)
(For Year 3 BEd students) EL-on-BP Timetable (Semester 2, 2023/24)
2022/23 Timetables
CSLC Timetable (Semester 1, 2022/23) (For cohort 2019/20 or after)
CSLC Timetable (Semester 2, 2022/23) (For cohort 2019/20 or after)
CSLC Timetable (Semester 1, 2022/23) (For cohort 2018/19 or before)
CSLC Timetable (Semester 2, 2022/23) (For cohort 2018/19 or before)
EL-on-BP Timetable (Semester 2, 2022/23)
CSLC Timetable (Summer Semester, 2022) (For cohort 2019/20 or after)
2021/22 Timetables
CSLC Timetable (Semester 1, 2021/22) (For cohort 2018/19 or before)
CSLC Timetable (Semester 1, 2021/22) (For cohort 2019/20 or after)
CSLC Timetable (Semester 2, 2021/22) (For cohort 2018/19 or before)
CSLC Timetable (Semester 2, 2021/22) (For cohort 2019/20 or after)
CSLC Timetable (Summer Semester, 2021) (For cohort 2019/20 or after)
CSLC Timetable (Summer Semester, 2021) (For cohort 2018/19 or before)
2020/21 Timetables
CSLC Timetable (Summer Semester, 2020) (For cohort 2018/19 or before)
CSLC Timetable (Summer Semester, 2020) (For cohort 2019/20 or after)
CSLC Timetable (Semester 1, 2020/21) (For cohort 2019/20 or after)
CSLC Timetable (Semester 2, 2020/21) (For cohort 2019/20 or after)
CSLC Timetable (Semester 2, 2021/22) (For cohort 2018/19 or before)
CSLC Timetable (Summer Semester, 2020) (For cohort 2019/20 or after)
2019/20 Timetables
CSLC Timetable (Semester 2, 2019/20) (For cohort 2019/20 or after)
CSLC Timetable (Semester 1, 2019/20) (For cohort 2019/20 or after)