Positive and Values Education (PAVE) Courses
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Guidelines and Regulations for UG Curriculum (Cohort 2019/20 or after)
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Positive and Values Education (PAVE) Courses/ GE Breadth Courses Strand 4
GEK1004 Civic Values, Character Formation and Positive Education
GEK1030 The Theory of Confucian Morality and Its Practices in Contemporary Society 儒家的道德理論及其於當代社會的實踐
GEK1042 Morality and the Good Life: A Comparative Perspective 從比較視角探討道德價值與個人幸福
GEK2035 National Security Education in Hong Kong Schools: Practical Implications for Teachers 香港學校國家安全教育:給教師的實踐啟示
GEK1040 Chinese Literature for Children: Nurturing Virtues in Children 中國兒童文學: 德的培育
GEK1038 Exploring the ancient wisdom of the classical Four Books and its contemporary applications 智讀聖賢「書」──《四書》的古學與今用
GEK1034 Cyber security and daily life National security and global perspectives
GEK2036 Essential Knowledge for Teachers Basic Law and Professional Ethics
GEK2032 Caring, Appreciation, Respect, and Empathy 關懷、欣賞、尊重和同理心
GEK1039 Inculcation of Classical Culture: Daoism, Buddhism and Positive Life 涵泳經典文化:道教、佛教與正向人生
GEK1005 Developing Positive Values via Digital Storytelling
GEK1006 Taste of Life The Meaning of Suffering and Hope 人生滋味 受苦與盼望
GEK1010 Positive Emotions as Engines of Growth
GEK1011 The Building Blocks of Flourishing Happiness, Engagement, and Meaning
GEK1015 Effective Negotiation and Positive Conflict Management Secrets of Successful Teamwork 有效的談判和正面的衝突管理:成功團隊合作的秘訣
GEK1016 Positive Psychology
GEK1023 Meaning, Happiness and the Ethics of the Good Society
GEK1026 You Only Live Once
GEK1027 Multiculturalism and International Mindedness
GEK2002 Mindful Music Making and Appreciation 心靈樂與怒
GEK2008 Positive Education for Well-being in Everyday Life 追求幸福感的正向教育
GEK2012 Writing Your Life
GEK2017 Mindfulness Approaches for Promoting Well-being and Health in Modern World
GEK2020 Positive Communication in Educational Settings
GEK2021 Show Me the Money Economic Thinking and Decisions
GEK2024 Understanding Emotion and Emotion Regulation in the Context 在情境中理解情緒與情緒管理
GEK2025 People, the Biosphere and Conservation Ethic
GEK2028 Want to be a Good Teacher? Exercising Teacher Professionalism
GEK2031 Positive Intercultural Communication in Everyday Life
GEK2033 Chinese Classics, Cultural Conservation and Cultural Security
GEK2041 Chinese Ecology from Confucian and Taoist Perspectives 在儒家和道家思想影響下的中國生態觀
GEK3001 Mindfulness
GEK3019 Creating a Flourishing Positive Education School 建構營造正向教育的學校
GEK3037 Ecological security and conservation: National security and global perspectives