Co-curricular and Service Learning Courses
Experiential Learning-on-Block Practice Scheme (Sem 2, 2020/21)
Powerpoint for Briefing Session (19 June 2020)
Course Outline
GEM1001/ CSL1038 Health Promotion Practice
CSL1051/GEM1041 Service Learning in International Schools
CSL1061/GEM1051 Public Speaking and Society
CSL1055 / GEM1049 Chinese Folklore Ambassador
CSL2056_GEM2048 Be A Docent for A Cultural Trail
CSL1059_GEM1047-Learning Language and Culture through Chinese History Animation 非華語生學中文:以中史動畫為基礎
CSL2057_GEM2045-Community Reading and Literacy
GEM1052/CSL1062 Understanding and Coping with Post-Crisis Stress 危機事故壓力之認知及處理
CSL1053 GEM1043_Enhancing Leadership by Organizing Mathematical and STEM Activities
GEM2048 Be A Docent for A Cultural Trail
GEM2046 Reading Places in Literature: Hong K​ong Literary Walks
GEM1050 Implementation of Whole Person Development through Drama with Chinese Culture
GEM1049 Chinese Folklore Ambassador
GEM1042 Wellbeings in Schools: A Service-learning Approach
CSL1063/GEM1053 English Carousel
GEM1005/CSL1011 Service Based Learning for School SEN Students
GEM1007/CSL1008 Exploring Workplace Competency
GEM1054 Cultural Experience and Practice in the Greater Bay Area 大灣區文化體驗與實踐
GEM3055 Experiential Learning through Physical Activity in the Greater Bay Area
GEM4056 Mental Health and Well-Being Promotion in the Greater Bay Area
GEM1002/ CSL3043 Physical Activity for Health
GEM1003/ CSL3045 Healthy Eating in Action
GEM1006/ CSL1046 Understanding Social Disadvantages Through Services 體驗學習:認識弱勢社群
GEM1011/ CSL1026 Religions in Hong Kong - Experience and Reality
GEM1012/ CSL1004 Intergenerational Learning through Service with the Elderly
GEM1013/ CSL1021 Encountering Museums博物館的邂逅
GEM1014 Walking with the Handicapped
GEM1015 Partnerships with Agencies in Communities 與社福機構同行
GEM1016 Intercultural Sensitivity and Social Innovation
GEM1017/ CSL1018 Musical Arts in Action 音樂動起來
GEM1019/ CSL1042 Community Service-based Learning in STEM Education
GEM1020/ CSL1005 Enhancing Leadership by Organizing Mathematics Activities
GEM1021/ CSL1041 Enhancing Leadership by Organizing Coding Education Activities
GEM1024/ CSL1025 Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude through Practicing Thankfulness in Service Learning
GEM1025/ CSL1002 Understanding Children Growth in Low Income Families
GEM1026/ CSL1013 Conservation and Ecotourism
GEM1027/ CSL1016 Understanding HK’s Environmental Performance through Practice 從實踐中認識香港的環境表現
GEM1028/ CSL1017 Service-based learning in a life-wide education programme on nature
GEM1029/CSL1015 Understanding linguistic and related barriers through services to socially disadvantaged children
GEM1030/ CSL1034 Transforming Children Through Reading Stories in English
GEM1031/ CSL1030 Implementation of Whole Person Development through Drama 透過戲劇實踐全人教育
GEM1032/ CSL1031 Effective Public Speaking
GEM1033/ CSL1047 Understanding and Coping with Post-Crisis Stress 危機之後
GEM1034/ CSL1027 Enriching English-learning Environments in Hong Kong Schools改善香港學校英文學習環境
GEM1035/ CSL1007 In search of narratives in life 尋找生命的故事
GEM1036/ CSL1006 Developing Leadership through Service Learning
GEM1038/ CSL1035 Language Carnival 語文嘉年華
GEM1039/ CSL1037 Drama as a Creative Teaching Strategy in the Language Classroom 創意戲劇策略與語文教室
GEM1040/ CSL1014 Service Learning and Civic Engagement
GEM2009/ CSL2029 Service-learning for Supporting Individuals with Communication, Literacy and Learning Difficulties
GEM2010/ CSL2040 Practice Engagement of Special Educational Needs 特殊教育需要的實踐參與
GEM2018/ CSL2019 Music, Health and Wellbeing 康健樂人生
CSL2054/ GEM2044 Promoting Digital Citizenship in Local Schools
GEM2023/ CSL2033 Reportage and Oral History Writing in Chinese 中文報道及口述歷史寫作
GEM2037/CSL2001 Story Reading in Chinese to Non-Chinese-Speaking (NCS) Children
GEM4004/ CSL4039 Mental Health Preparation for Teaching and Related Disciplines